• Набор подстроечных отверток 10 шт. Pro'sKit 1PK-A001
Handy trimmer set. Essential for hobbyists & professionals who set & fiddle with trimmers, presets etc. a lot.
A set of 10 triming tools for the adjustment of variable type electronic components like - Resistors, Capacitors, Coils etc.
Necessity where normal screwdrivers can't be used due to hand capacitance effect.

A set of 10 trimming tools with moulded plastic tips, including slotted, hexagonal and square types.

Unit: mm



Individual Packing


As follows:

Blister Card




Набор подстроечных отверток 10 шт. Pro'sKit 1PK-A001

  • Производитель: Pro'sKit
  • Модель: 1PK-A001
  • Артикул: 1PK-A001
  • Наличие: По запросу
  • Цена - По запросу